From Little Things

What is a little thing to you?  Is your little thing so little to someone else?  Is my little thing a huge thing to you?  

Perspective is a crazy thing and it can change without our even realising.  Experience, time, position, feelings – all those and more have the power to change the way we see ourselves. Perspective can also affect how we view what we do.

Most of us really want our efforts to be noted.  To make a difference in a tangible way.  Be remembered for something amazing.  That’s great.  And we should.  But let’s not discount the little things.

Little things can be big things of themselves.  What feels like a negligable favour to you, could be life changing to someone else.  Often a little thing can cause a chain reaction that goes further than you could imagine, and you might not know the end result until you reach heaven.  

Sometimes a little thing is a preparation for something bigger.  Baby steps.  You might feel like you’ve been doing the same little thing over and over with no change, not realising that your faithfulness in the little thing IS the big thing.  Your seemingly little things could change someone’s life.

Let’s be faithful in the little things and remember that it all looks different from God’s perspective. And one day we’ll discover the BIG that God brought out of our ‘little’.