
I’m riding off an awesome message from Ps Anna Giles last weekend in this post.  She preached a message called ‘No Guts, No Glory; No Surrender’, speaking of how important it is for us as God’s Army to be committed in serving God and building His kingdom.  Commitment is something that we can’t afford to be wishy-washy about.  As Ps Anna said, you can’t be 85% committed.  It doesn’t work like that.  Things tend to go better when we go in 100%.

I am so thankful for my parents, who were also my pastors for many years, for training me in the art of commitment from a young age.  I’ve seen the benefit of it in my life over and over.  It’s something that we need all to be taught, trained in, and encouraged in continually and I hope that what I share with you today will benefit you as much as it has me.

So here are a few things that I would like to encourage you in that I have learned and observed in my time in worship ministry.

There is Value in commitment.  I see this in three ways.  When you make the commitment to someone you are demonstrating that you see the value in them.  I believe that it also makes them even more valuable to you because now you have committed yourself to invest in them.  I also believe that it also brings more value to you yourself.

There is Wisdom in commitment.  Let’s re-word that:  There should be wisdom in commitment.  We should be wise about what we commit to and ask ourselves what our motives are and what we’re prioritising.  Is God glorified in it?  Does it build the Kingdom?  How does it affect your family?  Ask God to give you wisdom when you’re considering these things.

There is Reward in commitment.  God gets the glory but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing in it for you!  I usually find that there’s a bit of stretching and growing that goes on when we commit to something.  Commitment ain’t always easy, even when it’s something that’s right up your ally, but when you come out the other side you’re stronger, more skilled, and, because it’s what God loves to do, you’ve had more of His blessing poured out on you in just the way you need it.

There is Security in commitment.  Security for me is in knowing what’s what.  I don’t like it when things are up in the air and I have no idea which way they are going to fall.  Commitment brings security for me because I’m setting my path.  I know which way I’m going.  I know who I’m following.  I still might not know what the outcome will be but I listen to God and I trust Him that I’m on the right track.  And God always works everything together for the good of those who love Him and who have been called according to His purpose.  (Rom 8:28).  So that right there is security for me.

Of course there is much more to it but I hope this gets you thinking and gives you that little bit of a kickstart into greater things.  Commitment is not always easy but when God’s in it it’s life changing.